Friday, April 29, 2011

1st Day in Totnes

The Barrel House was the pub I went to last night for the Consciousness Cafe for the lecture on "Welling Up, How the body informs the mind" by one of the founders of Schumacher College. Very interesting and at least 100+ seekers mostly 50+.  I just love this place with so many interesting things to take part in.

                                  The Royal Seven Star Hotel in Totnes where I watched the ceremony

I woke at 5:00 this morning and turned on the tube to non stop coverage of Prince William and Kate's marriage.  What an ordeal and I'm surprised I enjoyed it so much.  I think I will spend some time in London on the way home and go to Westminster Abbey to experience it in person.  I especially liked when the Bishop of London said "all weddings are royal weddings with the groom and bride being the king and queen of creation bringing love into the world." Probably best if you hear him say it in the context of his speech.  And could you believe the hats the women were wearing?   Hard to believe they think they are attractive and I wonder how they managed to keep them on their heads.  Anyway,  I feel fortunate to have been here to experience it close up.  I'm sure I would have missed the whole thing if I was on Lopez.

I'm at the Albert Einstein Pub having the Friday night "Pot Pie & Pint" special.  Delightful but I can't figure out how you are suppose to eat the peas with out a spoon.  Makes me think of "I eat my peas with honey, I've done it all my life.  Makes my peas taste funny but it keeps them on my knife."  Looking over the catalogue for the Tagore Festival I was surprised to see that Tagore and Einstein were friends and one of the programs is about connecting Einstein and Tagore through Holistic Science and integrating our intuition with our reason.

Off to see some live music at the Barrel House.  No lack of things to do here in Totnes.  I looking forward to move over to Dartington Hall tomorrow.

                           I slept and dreamt that life was joy
                           I awoke and saw that life was service
                           I acted and behold, service was joy.

                                         ~Rabindranath Tagore ~


  1. Wow, you are learning fast! Pictures, colored text! I like the Tagore quote about service a lot.
    Try to go hear Chloe Goodchild as one of your many choices at the Festival, or at least pick up one of her CDs.

    I don't get it, they didn't get married at 5 a.m. did they? Was it private and then broadcast later? Explain!

  2. Great to be traveling with you, Ron! I confess I've looked at a few wedding pictures and video clips on-line. Despite all the excess and outdated ritual, it must tap the romantic in many of us; I've been surprised at the number of people in my circle of friends who have been following the royal wedding. Must have been a treat to be in-country for it.

    I haven't been to England - yet - and your stories are strengthening my commitment to get there. I've always thought the Brits had a great thing going with their pubs - sound like real community gathering places. I'm glad you're doing some research about them!

    Great work on this blog; I look forward to more.

  3. Lovely to get to see what you are seeing and hear what you are doing. I'm encouraged to get to my own blog when I see how easily you seem to be navigating yours. I haven't been to England yet either and was surprised that the B&B was so inexpensive. I thought England was tres pricey.

    Love and blessings on your road and thanks for sharing it with us.

  4. Hi Ron!
    What fun to read your blog! How fortunate you are to be in UK and share in the excitement of the Royal Wedding! You have some time to learn how to eat your peas balanced on your knife, but the very best local culinary treat is scones and Devon clotted cream!!! Yum!
    The Tagore poem is lovely!
    Hugs, Anne
